Studying F2 vii
The exam paper and exam formulae sheet viii
Before you begin… are you confident with basic maths? 1
Part A The nature and purpose of cost and management
1 Information for management 23
Part B Cost classification, behaviour and purpose
2 Cost classification 41
3 Cost behaviour 55
Part C Business mathematics and computer
4 Correlation and regression; expected values 71
5 Spreadsheets 89
Part D Cost accounting techniques
6 Material costs 113
7 Labour costs 137
8 Overhead and absorption costing 159
9 Marginal and absorption costing 183
10 Process costing 197
11 Process costing, joint products and by-products 225
12 Job, batch and service costing 237
Part E Budgeting and standard costing
13 Budgeting 261
14 Standard costing 281
15 Basic variance analysis 289
16 Further variance analysis 307
Part F Short-term decision-making techniques
17 Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis 323
18 Relevant costing and decision-making 343
19 Linear programming 357
Exam question bank 379
Exam answer bank 399
Index 417
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